A Brief Guide To Sun Protection At The Beach

If you’re like us, you don’t love putting on sunscreen. You just wanna jump right into the fun. You’ve probably even thought, “I can handle a little sunburn, right?” But, unfortunately, while you probably can tough out the minor annoyance of a sunburn, it’s really the after effects that can get you.
Repeated and unprotected sun exposure has been shown to cause skin cancer in 1 out of 4 people. Even if you like playing the odds, you probably have other people relying on you to be there for them. It’s not worth the risk. Plus, sun damage can make you look older by causing severe wrinkles. No one wants that, right?
So, we wanted to help you out this summer—we compiled a list of easy ways to protect your skin and enjoy the beautiful weather. Let’s dive in.
Use Sunscreen
You already know this one, but we wanted to give some additional info to help limit your time applying and reapplying sunscreen.
You’ll want to get a sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher. Higher SPF sunscreens provide more protection and last longer. Also, look for sunscreens labeled “Broad Spectrum,” as broad spectrum sunscreens provide protection against both UVA and UVB rays.
It’s also easier to apply sunscreen before you leave the house. When you’re out at the beach, all kinds of distractions can get in the way. After you’ve had about two hours of fun, apply sunscreen again. If it helps, you can have someone set a timer. Remember to always bring a little extra because someone is bound to have forgotten theirs.
Stay Hydrated
Your skin needs water to keep it healthy. The less hydrated you are, the quicker you’ll burn. Eight glasses of water a day is the recommended amount. However, if you’re doing physical activities, it’s best to aim a little higher.
If it’s hard to drink that much, try switching to coconut juice. Coconut juice is full of electrolytes and can be more hydrating than water alone. You can also eat foods with high water concentrations like cucumbers, oranges, and melons.
Consider Timing
Try to plan outdoor activities for morning or evening. Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., the middle of the day, is when the sun’s rays are the strongest. Unfortunately, this is also when the beach is the busiest. By planning breaks or lunch around this time, you’ll not only protect your skin, but also avoid the crowds.
We understand this isn’t always possible. Bring a shade umbrella for when you’re not in the water if you do go out around this time.
Wear Proper Clothing and Accessories
Your eyes can be damaged by the sun just as easily as your skin. Plus, sun damage has been shown to cause eye problems later in life. So, pick up a pair of UV sunglasses to protect those peepers.
Dermatologists say that hats offer some of the best sun protection. Most won’t go to the beach without one. The top of your head and face are particularly vulnerable. They are constantly hit with direct sun, but a hat can provide ample protection. The CDC says hats with brims or visors are best. That’s why we carry them; be sure to check out our stylish collection.
Covering up with clothing can also provide a great deal of protection. Loose-fitting and breathable clothing are best. However, you’ll want to avoid cotton because it offers little to no sun protection. Instead, opt for UPF clothing. These clothes are specially designed to protect your skin. They offer more protection than most sunscreens. Clothing with UPF 50 blocks up to 98% of the sun’s rays, and you can browse our collection of comfortable UPF 50 shirts as well.
While you’re at it, check out our awesome line of compression-lined swim trunks, too. They are chafe-free, so you don’t have to sacrifice comfort for style. Most importantly, while making sure you’re staying safe, be sure to have fun out there.
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